

Auto Loan Calculator
Time for a new vehicle? It’s wise to start with what you can afford and not just what you want to drive. This calculator will show you the sweet spot between what you want and what you can afford.

Savings Calculator
With a savings account, your money grows over time based on how much you save each month, the interest rate on the account, and how long you save. This savings calculator is designed to illustrate how your savings will grow using compound interest, which is the most common type of interest for savings accounts.

Mortgage Calculator
It’s important to know if the monthly payments on a mortgage will fit within your budget. Simply said, this calculator helps you do that.

Rule of 72 Calculator
The Rule of 72 predicts how long an investment will take to double based on a fixed annual interest rate. The rule is this: 72 divided by the interest rate number equals the number of years for the investment to double in size. Try it now.

Emergency Fund Calculator
An emergency fund can be used to pay for essential expenses and propel you through a tough time. It should cover your take home pay for at least three months, but ideally six. This calculator shows you how much you need to save each month to reach your emergency fund savings goal.

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