The Best Checking Account

The Best Checking Account

Up to 10% APY


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Deposit Balance* Dividend Rate** APY
Any balance (qualifications not met) 0.05% 0.05%
$0 to $5,000 (with all qualifications met)** 9.57% 10.00%
> $5,000 (with all qualifications met)** 0.10% 0.10%

*Minimum opening balance requirement = $50; ongoing minimum monthly balance requirement = $0
**Rewards checking dividend rate applies in any given month where all of the following conditions are met:
– 17 debit card point of sale transactions in that same month;
– At least $400 in total point of sale purchases in that same month;
– At least $500 in direct payroll deposits in that same month;
– Enrollment in eStatements.

The Best Checking Account is limited to one account per member (individual or joint)

Benefits & Discounts

Table Example