Element Blog

Boost Your Credit Score

Boost Your Credit Score: 4 Myths to Avoid Credit scores are an area of personal finance that seem a lot more mysterious than they actually are. Many people believe that improving them is a matter of trial and error, and as a result there’s a lot of “credit score advice” floating around that can end […]

Be Prepared, Because Life Happens

Be Prepared, Because Life Happens An emergency fund is an essential part of your personal finances. Its importance is stressed in almost every personal finance book and budgeting blog, and yet 26% of Americans currently have no emergency fund in place. Of those who do have an emergency fund, up to two-thirds do not have […]

What’s The Best Card To Use?

What’s The Best Card To Use? Think fast: what’s the most recent financial decision you made? You likely won’t have to think too far back. It’s not the last account you opened, or the school loans you consolidated—it’s something much simpler that’s part of your daily routine. Think back to the last thing you purchased—your […]

To Lease or To Finance: That is the Question!

To Lease or To Finance: That is the Question! When it comes to buying a new car, you have three options: purchasing it with cash, purchasing it through a loan (also known as financing) or leasing it. For most shoppers, the decision comes down to buying or leasing. On the surface, the differences between leasing […]

Living On Your Own

Living On Your Own And “Bill Time” Living on your own for the first time can be empowering. It means having independence and all the things that come with it. Some of those things—like not having to share a bathroom—are wonderful. Others—like killing spiders yourself—are not so fun. And leading the pack in the not-so-fun […]